Friday, March 18, 2011

God is Faithful

Just living with Bipolar Depression and Anxiety Disorder is hard work. You constantly have to check yourself for mood or state of mind that you are in. Mine changes very quickly like a grandfather clock back and forth. I wish the moods where not so sparatic, as by favorite artist, Shelia Walsh, states,"Life is tough, but God is faithful."

We have to see God's love in difficult times. During the deep bouts with depression, when you feel as no one is there God is. Also, during the highs, with insomnia nights, ridden with racing thoughts, and frustration God is there. God allows these times to happen for a reason. During the depression, He may want us to slow down and, "Be still and know that I am God." Mania is when you can get alot of reading, studying, and praying done. You just have to stop and look at some positives of the situation that you are in and allow God to be in the center of it.

During those times are often desperate and we feel all alone, but you are not alone. That is satan trying to allow yourself a pity party. I used to throw them for myself, like no one understands me and no one has it like I do. No they may not but everyone has their own cross to bear and if Bipolar or Depression is yours just realize there are people worse off than you. Your disease you are not going to die from, what about those with cancer that daily live with the fact whether they are going to live or die? So it is as bad as we make it out to be. Call to Jesus and say as the old hymn states, "Nothing in my hands I bring, simply to Thy cross I cling."

Come to Jesus and live. Not just live a everday ho hum life but a victorious life. Does that mean no bad days or days of distress. No! God promises while we are in this fleshly body we are going to have trials and tribulations. Each his or her own battle to fight, but we don't have to do it alone. He is our source of strength and shield. My rock of my salvation. Just remember one day we won't have to live in this old body any more, we will be made perfect like Him.

So remember when you are down there are things that we can be thankful for. Depression can't steal your memories. It can't rob you true joy, if you don't allow it to. It can't touch your eternity. It will not remove you of God's care and it will not stop you from being loved or loving others.

That is one thing that I find very satisfying is loving others. God commands us in the Bible to love God with all your heart, soul and mind and to keep His commandments. We are to also love others as ourselves. If we do these two things, we can't go wrong.

I leave you with these words of a song by Shelia Walsh, "Are you weary, are you frightened? When you go to bed, do you leave the light on? When the cold wind blows to disturb your peace, do you lock the door so no else can see? Broken promises have left their mark on you. In your unbelief, one thing you must hold on to.

When the road becomes too rough, when you're ready to give up, when you're crying out for love, God is faithful. When your peace cannot be found, He will never let you down, you have chosen solid ground. God is faithful."

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