Wednesday, May 2, 2012

When the Bee is in Trouble

     I believe in God and I believe in His existence.  I also trust in God's ability to see me through life's circumstances.  But why do I often doubt God, when I know time and time again He is going to say as His words states, " I will never leave the nor forsake thee."
      Well, sometimes that is alot easier said than done.  For one we are a very selfish generation, we don't like sharing.  With that comes sharing even our burdens and problems with the Lord, we take on this prideful attitude that we can do it on our own and we don't need any help.  Then in the long rune we go running to God when we have made a real mess of things expecting Him to pick up the pieces.  Why don't we just go to Him first?
     He cares for us.  I believe that He wants to be involved in every aspect of our lives.  Even the most insignificant things that we think He is too busy to handle.  He knows the numbers of hairs on my head, so my gracious why wouldn't he want to be involved in every facet of our lives.
     I have been through some very eventful and trying times in my life.  More than some will every know, but He has proved Himself to be worthy of my praise.  He created me and that is enough reason to honor Him.  We often wait to do that when we are in pinch or bind and can't see our way out.  God is a loving and merciful God and He is always there to pick us right back up out our pit and place us on a solid foundation.
    I love Him more and more each day as I get in His word and realize just how much that He does for me.  Do you love Him more today than you did yesterday, I hope so!

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