Today was one of those not so good days. I was hurting from kidney stone, eyes blood shot for whatever reason, congested, and feeling blah. I didn't want to be around people either. So what do you do?
Do you listen to your body and take a day of rest or do you drudge through and make yourself do. Well, I did a little of both. I was up today and did accomplish a few things in the house and helped the boys with homework, but on the other hand couldn't make myself do much else!
Did I fail today? I may have in some eyes, but I did what I thought was best. God knows my heart and He understands me. I get scared that I may be falling into that depression pit again, but I can't count my chickens before they hatch as they say.
I just take it one day at a time sweet Jesus! And tomorrow is a new morning.
i feel this way alot too. i don't care for people who are "fake" but am finding out more and more lately like a hipocrit because the smile i put on when i leave the house does not reflect the way i feel inside. i pray for peace to know for sure that God can see my true heart because truly i doubt myself as a person alot.