I teach the Youth at our Church and tomorrow we are studying about Enoch.. There is not a whole lot in the Bible about him, but the things we do know are pretty awesome. He was a man that walked so close to God that he never died. He was raptured on up to Heaven. Now that's pretty neat. Not having to face the torment or frailty of death itself. He was just taken straight to Heaven to be with Jesus face to face.
I would love to not have to face death, but unfortunately it is a part of life. What a testimony to have to be known of being a man or woman that walked that close to God! I know I often times just fail at reading my Bible or praying like I should. Much less walking in a day to day relationship with Him, and not failing or wavering. Now Enoch was not perfect like Jesus Christ, but he took His relationship with God serious. That is were I take it for granted!
Depression can often cloud your view of where God is and if He is even there. I can assure you that He is there waiting right where you left Him. Waiting for you to call out to Him, because He wants to carry you through the deepest and darkest of times.
With the Bipolar some days are up and some days are down, but most days are pretty even. I guess that is the reality of my life, but it should keep me on guard and on my toes. Especially with my relationship with the Lord, I pray that I am so close to Him in the good times that I can feel His presence carrying me through the bad. I want to be known when I die as a person that walked with God. What a legacy!
Thanks, Cindy. Got up early this morning because of pain. Going to start reading in my Bible. WF